Submit your music

January 21, 2021 - 01:51 PM

Submit Your Music

This is the first step to getting your music played on our station.

We are in this together, and sharing our station will help you and other artists succeed!

We would like to thank all record companies, artist and promoters who have already submitted their music.

Important infomation to remember before submitting your music:

1. All songs submitted must be the clean radio version (no swearing or profanity) .

2. All audio must be a 320k mp3 or .Wav file.

3. We only accept dropbox or google drive links (no youtube or other video/audio links.) Just copy and past the link into the "messages box" on the next page.

If we can't download the audo file(s). We can't play it.

4. If any of the above steps are not followed, we may not be able to hear or play your music on our station.

Optional (but your fans will love it):

5. Record an audio intro of yourself (the artist) introducing your song on the radio (include it with your dropbox or google drive link(s)).

Sample script: "Hey this is (say your artist name here) and this is my new song (say song name here) on FLOW 103 - #1 for hip hop"

We may play your self recorded intro before your song starts to play.

click here to submit your music

*All music submissions are subject to approval at the discretion of the music team and/or program director. 


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jessedelqueens, 2 months ago
we appreciate this station for providing a submission platform!
DIYEM X , 6 months ago
I want to submit my song